Contaminated Site Management

Contaminated sites and disposal/landfill sites can impose significant environmental risks and/or health risks to the public. Appropriate investigations and risk assessments are fundamental for making decision on the site’s management, remediation, and after-care.

Example picture; thermic in-situ-remediation

Contaminated sites and disposal/landfill sites can impose significant environmental risks and/or health risks to the public. Appropriate investigations and risk assessments are fundamental for making decision on the site’s management, remediation, and after-care.

Often such sites remain underdeveloped although their utilization, for instance as mixed industrial sites, can have a positive redevelopment potential. The limiting factor is often the relatively high remedial costs (brownfield redevelopment costs). Beside technical challenges, other inhibiting factors can be complexities around legal requirements, permits and control policies, changing regulations, stakeholder management and political instrumentalization.

Due to accidents, unregulated waste disposals, production incidents with contaminant releases and/or former applications/use of chemical substances considered hazardous today - also for instance in construction materials -, many externalities have been generated in the past as contaminated sites, remediation sites and contaminated construction waste materials; pollution that needs elaborate safe-guards, clean-up measures and special disposal and waste treatment efforts. Correspondingly high costs to do so, can impose a negative value on the piece of contaminated or remediated land, prohibitive for establishing a secondary market for the corresponding real estate.

A skillful use of proportionate remediation measures with an optimized placement of new buildings and/or other infrastructure facilities on contaminated sites can allow, even in the longer term, the utilization of contaminated properties be reclassified - depending on the kind of utilization - as safe for people and the environment.

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